A 3D racing game, almost real. Enjoy driving different cars or hop on the motorcycle simulator. Selectable camera position. From very simple circuits like other great prizes. The faster you go and get good positions go round and getting faster.
Two new cars and two new roads or circuits are added.
Selection mode or race against the clock. In Time Trial you must beat the record back and these alone on the track. In the race you race cars or motorcycles.
New camera view in the first person.
You can go round and round. Real physical. A game for children and adults who dislike you racing games in 3D. Simulator.
Versión 1.3 Nuevo sistema minimapas. Circuito Abu Dabi
VERSIOrummy64.comN 1.4 Novedades
2 coches nuevos
2 circuitos nuevos
Sistema de motos renovado. IA inteligencia artificial motos. Please rate this app