Japanese Katan crosswords are traditional Japanese puzzles.To fans of traditional nonograms (like or) it will be very interesting to check your mind again. The task is still clear - you need to paint the necessary tiles, knowing the number of such tiles in each row and column. Based on the logic and using the method of elimination, you will paint the tile one by one, at the end receiving a drawing. The game is completely free and contains over 1000 crossword puzzles. Also there will be a pleasant addition to the abundance of interesting features. For example, highlighting questionable tiles with crosses, canceling the teen patti gold download apklast action, auto-deletion, changing the design, the ability to create your own crossword puzzles and much more.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 11.95 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newRewritten auto-deletion system;Added time for solving a crossword puzzle;Bugs fixed.Update history-----
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