Drum School

  news     |      2024-07-03 01:42

Drum School - awesome music simulator for android devices. Fulfill the dream of becoming a drummer Drum School is an application that will help you curb your drums or it’s easy to improve your skills if you don’t have a favorite musical instrument at hand. This simulator is perfect both as a training platform, and in terms of improving practice, with the only difference being that here instead of drums - ordinary buttons. Practice and develop performing skills, practice under various beats of most genres and enjoy music, wherever and whenever! Convenient and useful simulator for music lovers Go to a completely new level of drumming. Drum School will give you easy access to a huge library of professional rhythms as your primary reference. It contains dozens of popular styles, ranging from classic rock to jazz, RnB and even tango. At Drum School, you will find as many as 100 drums exercises, high-quality audio, training tips and a detailed description of everything you see, as well as 12 video clips showing the basics of drumming.CPU---Android OSteen patti master new version6.0Open GL---Free Space 19.08 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----

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