bit Dungeon III - adventure role-pDragon VS Tiger laying game with elements of the bagel for android devices. Random level generation bit Dungeon III - a new part of the adventure RPG series with random generation of levels, here you are waiting for epic action battles, complex and dangerous dungeons, teeming with crowds of opponents. In bit Dungeon III you will not find two identical levels, so you can enjoy the addictive gameplay endlessly. Here you can join forces with other players from around the world or forget about friendliness and destroy them by taking their loot. Challenges Find useful items that will open your character access to new abilities that will become an advantage during battles with other players and crowds of monsters. Get a new, more powerful weapon, increase your personal level, and you can also ea an extra soul for defeating a deadly boss or kill an opponent and take away everything valuable from him. Collect magical runes that will also help make your character stronger, try the campaign, co-op or multi-player mode and gain a reputation in the game world of bit Dungeon III.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 46.58 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----
Dragon VS Tiger